Miriam Morales

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White On White

Now that the Holidays are out of the way and we've recovered from the aftermath..... It's back to reality.  Back to the nuances of our everyday lives.

I must say, when I saw these pics I felt like a puffy marsh mellow! In truth this is a faux "white on white" look.  The moto corduroy pants are more like an ivory shade and the oversized chunky knit sweater is a cream color with specks of gold, though you can't really notice them. Together they photographed beautifully and I love how it looks.  White during the winter is so whimsical to me yet makes a statement...very Olivia Pope-ish! (Scandal fans anyone!?).

The gold heels in these leopard booties make a statement on their own and sometimes that's all you really need to stand out, having killer footwear. When this outfit appeared in my brain, I envisioned them with it. And guess what? They were only $19 on ShoeDazzle!

I'm really excited because pilot season starts today.  From now until about April/May it's madness (I'm claiming it to be!) with auditions for what can potentially be new shows. After taking my on-camera classes, which were great refreshers and eye openers, I'm really looking forward to hitting the ground running this year and ROCKING IT OUT!

Other than that, I have to admit I'm looking forward to the return of Scandal, The Walking Dead and Orange Is the New Black LOL!

What are you guys looking forward to?  Thanks so much for visiting ;-)

Xo ♥