There are few things are instantly transport us to a different time and place; music, food, and scents, specifically perfume. Growing up my grandma had plenty and though many of those classic 80s perfumes are hard to come by, when I do get a whiff vivid images of a specific moment flash in my memory.

I’ve always had hard time with figuring out my signature perfume primarily because I wanted something that was unique to me and not overly used by the general public. But also, I tend to want to switch things up depending on the mood, occasion etc. But I recently had the opportunity to visit Olfactory NYC to create a unique blend that I also get to share with all of you!

Miriam Morales custom perfume Olfactory NYC - make your own perfume

Going in I though I knew what I would name my scent but after smelling it and letting it really absorb into my skin I wasn’t so sure anymore LOL. I wanted something sexy and musky yet subtle for the winter but that could still be suitable for spring and summer. With hints of Indian jasmine and infused with lavender and coconut, I think I nailed the perfect year round perfume for any occasion!

Ros.Nic perfume at Olfactory NYC - how to make a custom perfume

Enter Ros.Nic. I decided to name this custom blend after my niece and nephew, because I’m corny like that! Being that Christmas is right around the corner (I know, I know!) this would make the perfect gift! You can purchase it at Olfactory NYC AND, I have a code so you can save some $$$$ because who doesn’t like saving money right?! Use code miriam20 for 20% off!

how to make your own perfume and sell it online - Ros.Nic perfume at Olfactpry NYC

If you’re like me and are super picky when it comes to perfume, go get yourself a bottle because you will not be disappointed! Even my boyfriend loves it and he’s the pickiest of them all LOL. Happy shopping!


20% with code miriam20