How To Set Goals & Actually Follow Through With Them
Welcome to the second week of January! If you have already set your goals and intentions for the year, good for you! And if you haven’t don’t worry, it’s not too late. This post will guide you through my new method of setting goals and how to follow through with them.
Taking the time to reflect on your previous goals, whether it was from a year ago or 6 months ago, is really important. Make note of what you did do and why, as well as what you didn’t do and why. This is more so for an acknowledgment of what some of your barriers might be. Knowing the barriers will prevent them from appearing in the future. Don’t beat yourself up if you did not achieve a goal!! It’s ok! Decide if it’s even something you want to continue having a goal for this year or put it on the back burner for now.
After some time reflecting, it’s time to dig into planning your 2021 goals.
When setting my 2020 goals I tried something completely different. I approached goal planning by following the 4 quadrant method. In my most recent video, I explain where this method came from and how to do it. Definitely check it out because I also go over what my 2020 goals were and do a mini-review of them.
But, you select four areas or categories of your life, and you set one main for each area. Then, you break down the main goal into mini-goals, or tasks, that you will do to help you achieve the main goal. Everything you do should be to serve that purpose. Most of the time, we completely skip the step of defining how we will actually achieve those goals. And yet, it’s the most important step.
When deciding to set a goal for yourself it’s important to make sure that that goal is realistic for you. Is it achievable within the desired time frame? Keep it real with yourself so that you don’t get discouraged! Start small, be consistent, then build from there.
Speaking of being consistent. The real tea on achieving your goals and being consistent is all about your habits. If the answer you were expecting was out of this world or some magical secret, sorry to disappoint you. But it does have everything to do with your daily habits and sticking to them.
If you want to be successful at something, better yet, if you struggle with consistency, then you need to establish better habits. What is preventing you from being consistent? Do one thing each to change that. The more you do something the faster it becomes second nature to you.
Now that’s the real tea on how to set goals and actually follow through with them. Make a promise to yourself and show up!
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”