Miriam Morales

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What's In My Gym Bag?

We can’t have Fitness Week without talking about the basics that go into our gym bags right? There are a few gym bag “must-haves” for me so here’s a look at what is inside:

First things first let’s talk real quick about the bag itself. I got this on the whim during a visit to Macy’s Backstage. It’s not a gym bag but I use it as one because it’s so roomy and it fits everything I like to carry with me. And of course at only $9 I’d say it was the best purchase I’ve ever made *high-five* :-D

Sweet Sweat Belt & Stick: From the moment I tried this Sweet Sweat stick I was hooked. I have to have it or else I feel like my workout was a waste lol. I put this on my trouble areas like inner and outer thighs and on upper body days, my arms. Trust me when I say that I have no trouble working up a sweat, but with Sweet Sweat it takes it up several notches. When I use the cream along with the belt there is always a pool of sweat. Here are the benefits:

  • targets “slow to respond” problem areas
  • substantially improves circulation & sweating (yaaaas!!!)
  • accelerates thermogenic effects (burning calories) during your workout
  • fights muscle fatigue, while enhancing muscle activity
  • stimulates sweat glands releasing built up toxins
  • supports & enhances vasodilation, motivation & energy during physical activity (yup!)
  • fights against painful injuries like shin splints, pulls & strains

Sweaty Stuff Set– This has got to be the best item in my gym bag and one that I highly recommend. The set includes a bag to keep your gym essentials like deodorant, gloves, body spray etc., a “sweat stuff bag” for your sweaty clothes which includes two pockets for your sneakers. These two bags can be folded up stored in another small bag when not in use, which is great if you’re traveling. This set is perfect for keeping your sweaty gym clothes separate from everything else in your bag.

Other Essentials - Facial wipes, deodorant, body spray etc. never leave my bag. I have sensitive acne prone skin so taking care of it after getting so sweaty is very important. I use facial wipes for blemish prone skin / that contains salicylic acid to help clean impurities and remove dirt and oil that clogs the pores.

The Neutrogena Rapid Clear Treatment pads I use for my back and buttocks because butne is real and any indication of it must be dealt with immediately. What can I say? I like a clear ass (don’t judge me). As for deodorant I’m a Suave girl but I will say since being sent the Dove Dry Spray to test it’s become my go-to. I love it! It not only smells fresh but it really does work. Dry as a desert over here!

And of course I carry mints and lip balm because you never know who you’ll end up getting into a convo with. Plus fresh breath and non-crusty lips are just as important as every other personal hygiene…feel me?

Post Workout Clothes - Since I live fairly close to the gym I usually just towel myself off and change into dry clothes right after my workout. It's getting cold here in NYC and walking out sweaty is not good! Extra thick sweats and a comfy top are enough to keep warm on my walk home.

Annnnnnnnd.....das it! I know it seems like a lot to carry in a gym bag but the more you work out you quickly realize just how many lil things you need and should have handy, just in case.

Hope you all found this post useful! Share in the comments below what's in your gym bag :-)



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