It’s crazy to think that six years ago I was working a corporate job that I enjoyed but didn’t love. I mean, it wasn’t an acting gig so loving it was highly unlikely but you know what I mean. And you know how it can get sometimes when you are drowning at your 9-to-5; you rarely take a lunch break, you eat what is quick and cheap and most of the time that doesn’t = nutritious food. And don’t get me started on the snacking! 

The biggest lesson from my past experiences was to manage my anxiety as much as possible and to take care of my body. That meant working out consistently and eating as healthy as I possibly could. Sure meal prepping saves you time and money, but if we’re being real there will be moments when you slack and have to go grab something to eat. During the busiest time of the year that was what I often had to do at my last full-time job. Thankfully though a coworker introduced me to fresh&co and I didn’t have to deal with the residual guilt of “eating out.”

So when I was asked to participate in their #FreshFormationChallenge I was so game! It wasn’t until recently that I even knew fresh&co had a breakfast menu so I was really excited to try some delicious healthy breakfast options. This challenge was not about losing weight. Often we hear the word “diet” or “challenge” (especially in regards to food) and instantly think of foods that are off limits in order to achieve a desired outcome. I had to reprogram my mind to embrace that diet is simply what you eat, a way of eating, if you will, and fresh&co has plenty of options regardless of what your current diet is. 

Here’s a recap of what I ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner for three days!:

Eating healthy for me means that I have to actually enjoy what I’m eating and not feel too restricted because I know what they will do to me! I never felt deprived eating any fresh&co meals. In fact, I was incredibly satiated and snacked way less than I usually do. I didn’t crave sweets as much as I typically do which was amazing. I loved this experience so much because I didn’t feel like I overate, underate, nothing like that. It taught me that I wasn’t truly eating balanced whole foods or meals as I thought I was which is something I am definitely more conscious of now.

Through sharing the #FreshFormationChallenge on my Instagram stories people started DMing me what they like to get at fresh&co which encouraged me to try something different than what I typically order (hello Tex-Mex bowl!) but many were also saying how they wanted to try fresh&co. now 😊

Eating healthy on the go, and on a budget, is possible! With all that they have to offer, whether you are vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free on the keto diet, there is something at fresh&co for you. If you’re interested in taking the challenge yourself be sure to follow @freshandconyc and visit for more information on their nutritious breakfast, lunch and dinner options.

Thank you to fresh&co for partnering with me on this!